Infonix Service Technology
ReactJS Development

ReactJS Development
Infonix Service Technology
Best Wordpress Development Course institute in Dehradun – Infonix Service Technology – provide the best Wordpress Development Course in Dehradun, Mohali . Wordpress Development is one of the fastest growing professions in the internet-driven world. But there are not many qualified institutes available to train the growing needs of the industry. Infonix Service Technology Provide you best Wordpress Development Course in Chandigarh. Learn the world’s leading Wordpress Development! This course has been tailored to make you think like a Web Designer. Everything that is needed to design a successful Website, from UI Design to the layout and planning of the Website, is covered. Upon completion, you will be able to create and design anything that you visualise.
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ReactJS Industrial Training - Course Contents
- History of Javascript
- What is ES6
- Block scope, let & const
- Template literals
- Arrow functions
- Spread and Rest operators
- Object literal improvements
- Classes
- Inheritance
- Static properties and methods
- Promises
- Iterators and Iterables
- Generators
- Modules
- Set and Map
Basics of JS
- Setting up react router
- Understand routing in single page applications
- Working with BrowserRouter and HashRouter components
- Configuring route with Route component
- Using Switch component to define routing rules
- Making routes dynamic using route params
- Working with nested routes
- Navigating to pages using Link and NavLink component
- Redirect routes using RedirectComponent
- Using Prompt component to get consent of user for navigation
- Path less Route to handle failed matches
Routing with react router
- What is server-side rendering (SSR)?
- Why SSR
- Working with renderToString and renderToStaticMarkup methods
Server-side rendering with React
- What is redux
- Why redux
- Redux principles
- Install and setup redux
- Creating actions, reducer and store
Just Redux
- What is Immutable.js?
- Immutable collections
- Lists
- Maps
- Sets
Immutable.js for immutable datastructures
- What is React Redux
- Why React Redux
- Install and setup
- Presentational vs Container components
- Understand high order component
- Understanding mapStateToProps and mapDispatchtToProps usage
React Redux
- Understand the significance of unit testing
- Understand unit testing jargon and tools
- Unit testing react components with Jest
- Unit testing react components with enzyme
Unit Testing in react
- What is state and it significance
- Read state and set state
- Passing data to component using props
- Validating props using propTypes
- Supplying default values to props using defaultProps
State and props
- What is webpack
- Why webpack
- Install and setup webpack
- Working with webpack configuration file
- Working with loaders
- Quick word on code splitting, lazy loading, tree shaking
- Setting up Hot Module Replacement
Webpack primer
- Understanding React event system
- Understanding Synthetic event
- Passing arguments to event handlers
Event Handling in React
- Controlled components
- Uncontrolled components
- Understand the significance to defaultValue prop
- Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element
Working with forms
- Controlled components
- Uncontrolled components
- Understand the significance to defaultValue prop
- Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element
Working with forms
- Virtual DOM- Like an actual DOM, virtual DOM is also a node tree that lists the elements and their attributes and content as Objects and their properties. React’s render function creates a node tree out of the react components. Then, it updates this tree in data model caused by various actions done either by the user or by the system.
- JSX- JSX stands for JavaScript XML and is a React extension that allows us to write JavaScript that looks like HTML. JSX makes React a lot more elegant and it is an object-oriented programming language designed to run on modern web browsers.
- Server-Side Rendering (SSR) - Server-Side rendering allows you to pre-render the initial state of your react components at the server side only. The server’s response to the browser becomes only the HTML of the page which is now ready to be rendered with SSR. Thus, the browser can now start rendering without having to wait for all the JavaScript to be loaded and executed.
- One-way Data Binding- One-way Data Binding-
- Learning Curve-With a basic knowledge of programming you can learn ReactJS. If you have previous knowledge of HTML, You can easily learn ReactJS.
Feature of ReactJS